University Parking Garages are available; standard parking rates apply. Below are the closest garages to LBJ and Thompson.
Street parking may also be available near the university; hours and prices may vary. Please pay close attention to signs when parking on any street, even if you are parking for a few minutes, as parking citations and tickets are heavily enforced. There are no free visitor parking spots in main campus.
Be sure to keep track of the event schedule when parking as well. Contact us if you have any questions or concerns!
For the cheapest options, we recommend using a hotel comparison website using the zip code 78705. Prices may vary, so try to reserve as far in advance of DI to get the best prices. Click HERE for a hotel comparison with information prefilled.
We recommend finding a hotel within approximately 10 miles of the main venue (LBJ Library/Auditorium), as going further out will likely lead to delays in traveling from and to the venue.
Austin halal options
Below are some of the local favorite Zabihah Halal Restaurants around UT Austin. Locations are attached below. Please check out for more up-to-date and extensive options. Austin also has many other places with seafood options (a popular option for UT students is Cabo Bobs on Guadalupe St.) that also taste great.
► Masala Wok (Multiple locations)
► Mighty Fine Burgers (Multiple locations)